
健康主題口乾-Oral Essentials, 漱口水,含鋅敏感配方,16 液體盎司(473 毫升)

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如果你還在考慮Oral Essentials, 漱口水,含鋅敏感配方,16 液體盎司(473 毫升)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~

  • Now with Zinc!
  • Alcohol Free
  • No Harsh Chemicals
  • Preservative Free
  • Dye Free
  • Non-Toxic
  • No Stinging
  • French Essential Oils
  • Organic Aloe Vera
  • Non-GMO Xylitol
  • No SLS
  • No Glycerin
  • No Burning

The dentist formulated, daily use mouth rinse that’s alcohol free, preservative free & naturally great for you.

The Oral Essentials line of oral hygiene products utilizes ancient remedies like Dead Sea salt, aloe vera, French essential oils & xylitol to uplift your oral care routine & leave your breath refreshed. Our Sensitivity Formula uses an extra dose of mineral rich Dead Sea salt to leave your teeth feeling stronger, and your breath sparkling without the use of harmful chemicals.

Dentist Formulated

床的世界Supports healthy gums and teeth using naturally derived ingredients to maintain the mouth’s delicate ecosystem and fr髮旺旺eshen breath.

The first modern mouthwash. Oral Essentials utilizes ancient髮旺旺 remedies and modern science to bring you a truly invigorating take on freshness.

Philosophy: 床的世界無痕褲 We believe in helping you maintain a beautiful smile using None of the junk – Just the Essentials!

Oral Essentials, 漱口水,含鋅敏感配方,16 液體盎司(473 毫升)






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